November 28 2019 - Safety first. That's the golden rule no matter the industry or the profession.
Even if your business doesn't seem particularly dangerous, there is always a risk for danger. Simply put, you won't keep your business up and running if it isn't safe for employees and clients alike.
If you aren't sure where to start, this is the place for you. Good business owners need to make sure that it's a safe environment. Check out this list of the top work safety tips and see how you can improve.
Taking Safety at Work Seriously
In the US during the year, over 5,000 people died while working. That comes down to about 14 deaths a day.
Despite all the efforts to employ safety precautions that protect workers, there is a lot of work to go.
Be a responsible business owner that takes the lead in creating a safer environment to reduce the risk of injury. A workers' compensation attorney can counsel you if you have any questions about the legal implications of these injuries.
7 Critical Work Safety Tips
Mistakes happen. That is simply a part of life. No matter how skilled, careful, or smart we think we are, eventually someone is going to slip.
That isn't something we can control. However, there are certain things we can change to reduce the risk of such an event from happening and reduce the harm that comes from it.
Here are top the safety in the workplace tips you need to know.
Be Aware of the Risks
It is impossible to prevent a danger if you don't even know it exists. Every industry, from construction to dog walking, comes with an inherent set of risks.
The dangers of an electrician are very different from that of a truck driver. It is your duty as a business owner, to be aware of possible hazards and apply the proper safety precautions.
Swiss Cheese Model of Accident Causation
The Swiss Cheese Model is used in the fields of risk management and analysis. You're going to have to put on your abstract-thinking helmet for this one.
Imagine you have several slices of swiss cheese. For all the holes to line up, they have to be placed just right. Now, imagine that each of these slices represents a layer of defense against a potentially dangerous accident.
Unfortunately, each layer has certain weaknesses represented by the holes. In theory, the more layers of protection, the less likely that all the holes will line and an accident will occur.
Take Plenty of Breaks
One of the greatest dangers in the workplace is a tired or distracted worker. This can be due to lack of sleep or a medical condition but anyone who works long enough without a break will experience reduced concentration.
This something that applies to the majority of professions, from welders to doctors. Working too many hours in a row leads to reduced performance and more mistakes.
The minimum amount of break and mealtime afforded by law https://www.dol.gov/whd/state/meal.htm">varies by state. But employers might be wise to consider the benefits of taking a break.
Practicing Proper Technique
Bend your knees, grab the load, keep it close to your body, and lift with your legs. This box-lifting technique is probably the most repeated work safety in history.
This applies to a broad range of tasks but employing improper techniques is one of the most common causes of accidents and injuries in the workplace.
Taking Care of Mental Health
This is a big one yet employers seem to have a very hard time dealing with the psychological health of their employers.
Anxiety, sleeping disorders, depression, and other psychological conditions are very real and take a massive toll on workers. A little can go a long way when checking in on the mental health of your workers. You can help someone who is feeling stressed or even suicidal.
Certain professions, such as health care workers, servers, and other people who work in customer service are at an increased risk. Learn how to recognize the signs of psychological distress and reach out to those who you feel might be in danger.
Dealing with Workplace Stress
This is related to the previous point on mental health. Taking steps to reduce worker stress will make your business a happier and safer one.
So, we all want to reduce stress in our lives but how can we do this at the workplace? Daily yoga sessions? Not exactly, although that probably wouldn't hurt.
You don't need to hire the services of a yogi, you can take measures such as avoiding really long shifts, excessive workloads, and company conflicts and drama. Fear from job insecurity in another important cause of stress.
The Right PPE for the Job
Maybe some people think they look cooler without a helmet, gloves, seatbelt, or anything else that might be considered personal protective equipment (PPE).
At least, that's one theory why so many people continue to work without the appropriate PPE. The employer has some responsibility in the matter, however. They are required to be informed, supply PPE as needed, and take measures to ensure workers are using them.
The fact of the matter is that 99.9% of us don't work on a fashion runway, so can we please focus on safety rather than looks?
Fostering Communication in the Workplace
Creating a safe workplace is your responsibility as an employer. One of the best ways to do this to create an environment where communication is essential.
Get your workers talking to each other about safety. Take steps to make sure they feel free to talk to someone about safety concerns, including mental health issues.
Schedule regular group meetings where workers are free to talk about whatever is one their minds.
Working Together to Create Safer Workplace
All professions, even desk jobs, come with their risks. We depend on our jobs to provide so we accept these risks and carry on.
However, we all have the right to be aware of these risks and how to reduce the dangers, through the practice or proper technique or the use of PPE.
Apply these work safety tips and foster an environment where the workers can focus on their jobs.
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