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Competencies: Developing a Culture of Employee Accountability

By Jilaine Parkes

June 19 2014 - Now with the increased talk of a skills gap, the focus on training couldn't happen soon enough.

A major challenge for modern HR professionals is to grow learning environments so that it works to help employees understand the competencies for their role. Due to the introduction of new, automated performance management software into the mass market, companies of all sizes have an opportunity to develop their workforces.

To get the most from tools such as Sprigg means educating your staff and holding them accountable for their own competencies. Employees must be able to identify and develop their measurable knowledge, abilities and skills, which are essential for business success.

So how can this be achieved? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Does your organization have an established competency model? Is that infrastructure in place to help HR and leaders create job descriptions, develop performance management, offer training and development, and provide ongoing career development.
  2. Do your people understand what are their competencies? Have the competencies been communicated to employees? Sprigg offers lots of ways to communicate, agree and set competencies. That's because we believe that employees should be able to understand what they are being held accountable for.
  3. Are your staff members assessed on competencies? Simply put, there should be a clear link between competencies and performance. Helping your employees understand why they are learning/developing their skills is a key component in ensuring a happy, engaged and productive workforce.

Addressing these questions and identifying what you company needs to do will be a big driver in a successful move to system of clarity, ownership and accountability.

Want to learn more? Contact Jilaine at call her on 888-797-5583 or visit

About the author
Jilaine Parkes

Jilaine Parkes is a knowledgeable and passionate HR / Organization Development Professional with nearly 25 years combined experience in large, dynamic organizations and independent HR / OD Consulting. While holding senior HR management positions in Bombardier, Kraft Foods, Canadian Tire, Lavalife and Cineplex Entertainment, including a one year stint in Prague, Czech Republic, Jilaine has designed and driven initiatives in Business Planning, Leadership Development, Employee Development, Succession Planning, Performance Management, Learning & Growth Strategy and Team Chartering.

In addition to having worked as part-time faculty at Fanshawe College in London, Ontario she has also worked within the Fanshawe organization in the areas of Leadership and Performance Development. In early 2009, Jilaine partnered with Bruce Croxon (Co-Founder of Lavalife and a star of CBC's Dragon's Den) and launched an online Performance Management software company featuring the automated Performance Management module known as Sprigg. In addition to driving Sprigg's expansion across the US, Canada and UK, Jilaine is an accomplished public speaker and facilitator with a humorous, very direct and down to earth style.


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