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Human Resource Management in a Business Context
3rd edition

Human Resource Management in a Business Context
by Alan Price

Human Resource Management in a Business Context provides an international focus on the theory and practice of people management. A thorough and comprehensive overview of all the key aspects of HRM, including case studies, articles from HRM Guide and other sources, key concepts, review questions and problems for discussion and analysis.
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Summary and Further Reading

 Summary. HRM has evolved from a number of different strands of thought and is best described as a loose philosophy of people management rather than a focused methodology. It is a topic which continues to attract debate and disagreement. As a consequence, practitioners and textbooks use a diverse and sometimes contradictory range of interpretations. We found that HRM has a variety of definitions but there is general agreement that it has a closer fit with business strategy than previous models, specifically personnel management. The early models of HRM take either a 'soft' or a 'hard' approach, but economic circumstances are more likely to drive the choice than any question of humanitarianism. We concluded with ten key principles which determine the coherence and effectiveness of the HRM approach to people management.

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Further reading

Management and Organisational Behaviour
by Laurie Mullins
  The sixth edition of Europe's best selling Organisational Behaviour textbook builds on the strengths and reputation of previous editions. With its accessible writing style and comprehensive coverage and strong internal layout it has proven to be the text of choice for students of business and management. By presenting a managerial approach to organisational behaviour and demonstrating the application of behavioural science within the workplace the author emphasises the role of management as a core integrating activity. Management and Organisational Behaviour features annually in bestseller lists compiled in The Guardian, The Times, The Bookseller and Management Today.
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Organizational Behaviour: an Introductory Text
by Andrzej Huczynski and David Buchanan.
  Now in its Fourth Edition this highly respected text offers a definitive, multidisciplinary social science based approach to the study of organizational behaviour. The content is academically rigorous, with an engaging an interesting style. It provides readers with concepts, theories, models and frameworks to help understand behaviour in organizations. Readers are encouraged to challenge current thinking in relation to their own ideas and experiences, exploring other perspectives. The text also shows how organizational behaviour ideas and methods apply in practical settings. Fully revised and comprehensively updated, this is an essential core text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of organizational behaviour.
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Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management
by Masaaki Imai
  When it comes to making your business more profitable and successful, don't look to re-engineering for answers. A better way is to apply the concept of kaizen, which mean making simple, common-sense improvements and refinements to critical business processes.The result: greater productivity, quality, and profits achieved with minimal cost, time, and effort invested. In this book, you discover how to maximize the results of kaizen by applying it to gemba--business processes involved in the manufacture of products and the rendering of services--the areas of your business where, as the author puts it, the "real action" takes place.
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The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work
by Joanne B. Ciulla
  Joanne B. Ciulla, a noted scholar in Leadership and Ethics, examines why so many people today have let their jobs take over their lives. Technology was supposed to free us from work, but instead we work longer hours-often tethered to the office at home by cell phones and e-mail. People still look to work for self-fulfillment, community, and identity, but these things may be increasingly difficult to find in today's workplace. Gone is the social contract where employees and employers shared a sense of mutual loyalty, yet many of us still sacrifice personal time for jobs that we could lose at the drop of a stock price. Tracing the evolution of the meaning of work from Aesop to Dilbert, and critically examining the past 100 years of management practices, Ciulla asks questions that we often willfully ignore at our own peril.
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Toxic Emotions at Work
by Peter J. Frost
  Frost argues that managers must work to institutionalize compassion if they want to avoid the debilitating effects of pain on performance. He illustrates how managers can recognize and support toxin handlers, what they must learn from these individuals in order to take on the critical role of emotional management themselves.
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Human Resource Management in the Knowledge Economy: New Challenges, New Roles, New Capabilities
by Mark L. Lengnick-Hall, Cynthia A. Lengnick-Hall
  This book demonstrates that for businesses to thrive in today’s economy, human resource managers must take on four new roles: human capital steward, knowledge facilitator, relationship builder, and rapid deployment specialist. Each role is discussed in detail using examples from leading businesses.
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Human Resource Management in Construction Projects: Strategic and Operational Approaches
by Martin Loosemore, Andrew Dainty, Helen Lingard
  Although construction is one of the most labour-intensive industries, people management issues are given inadequate attention. Furthermore, the focus of attention with regards to HR has been on the strategic aspects of HRM function - yet most problems and operational issues arise on projects. To help redress these problems, this book takes a broad view of HRM, examining the strategic and operational aspects of managing people within the construction sector.
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